knowledge production is an art, a creation that is so powerful that it has the potential to re-shape and save the world — if only it were centered in love.
In bell hook’s essay, “Love as Political Freedom”, she acknowledges that awareness is the first step to re-imagining a loving society.
my work on this page explores the possibilities of what a digital world can be, where digital does not necessarily mean on the internet, where the digital lives in connection with nature and love.
In bell hook’s essay, “Love as Political Freedom”, she acknowledges that awareness is the first step to re-imagining a loving society.
my work on this page explores the possibilities of what a digital world can be, where digital does not necessarily mean on the internet, where the digital lives in connection with nature and love.

Photoshop, Wordpress, HTML/CSS
work in collaboration with::
MCC MediaLab
What’s Love Got To Do With It? Art and Public Policy course with Professor Kathy Engel, NYU)
this root began to grow in Spring 2020, while planning a workshop for nyu’s media, culture, and communication MediaLab, “Take Back the Internet”. my teammate Celia Conteras and I worked together to plan a MediaLab workshop in collaboration with Tech@NYU.
the featured image, reindigenize technology, encompasses Celia and I’s personal understandings of what Take Back the Internet can mean. With full freedom in choosing a topic for this workshop, we decided to reimagine a internet that is built and used with care, intention, and acknowledgment to indigenous ways of knowing. In this workshop, I demonstrated how to collage the above image in Photoshop (Celia continued to demonstrate how to code a basic html site featuring this image).
in december 2020, i continued to explore what an internet built with love and care could mean. i gathered sources that i believe embody a loving internet into a wordpress site, Multidisciplinary L0v3, love & the digital? love in the digital. The sources highlighted on this site feel intentionally built with care. Taking back the internet means acknowledging who the web was built by and for, and actively striving to make space for a variety of people and cultures, including black, brown and indigenous QTPOC.